Fishing Dec 9 through the 11th, 2018
Hola Anglers!
Finally had a nice cold front arrive as we got pounded on by waves! However, we needed this cold front to move some water. We had a big area of green water parked on the pocket for over 2 weeks, which met runs of 50 plus miles to clean water.
Sailfishing was tough, but the always entertaining mahi mahi bite made up for that, as well as a good tuna bite on day 2. Final day we saw 4 blue marlin! 1 bit and broke us off. Several stripe marlin on other boats too. Again mahi mahi between billfish bites kept us on point. The lodge cook was happy to have Tuna & Mahi meals fresh from the boat as well as we were happy to eat it! We start up again the 21st for a quick 3 day group before Xmas. More to come.
Capt Chris Starrs