We are weekend warriors for the most part going forward into the holiday, but looking at the Terrafin I would hit the south west in a hurry. The blue water is coming in thick and the temperatures are holding at about 84 degrees. LOTS of life just 15 miles off shore. Most captains are setting up at 20 miles and trolling out. 20 raises are common and so far this season is looking damn good. We are also getting a lot of blue's in the 200 to 300 lb range. We have spots here and there for rest of the months going forward, drop us a line to get hooked up.
Tight Lines
Capt Starrs
Here we go for your November 29th fishing report! We made it out this past weekend and the sails are all over the place. Blue water starts as early as 10 miles, and good fishing is straight out at 15 miles. A great time to get a grand slam in Guatemala. We hit double digit releases for sails, and caught about 10 dorado that were hanging out under a floating tree. In addition the blue marlin are showing up on ever third day of fishing it seems, while we did raise one shy marlin. Right now inshore we have a GREAT rooster fish bite. From Iztapa all the way down to Monterrico you can get into some rooster action. We usually use live bait, set up on the wave break and let the bait swim into their feeding seam, also we free cast crank baits. Very productive fishing in Guatemala is the summary. Tight Lines,
Capt Starrs
Blue water is finally taking over off the shore of Guate, and just in time. The presidential challenge for 2010 is wrapping up this weekend and according to reports last weekend, the marlin bite has been the highlight for this tourney. Blue and even Striped marlin have been released at the 50 mile drop off and often. The casa vieja fleet saw a great deal of action, while a lot of independent boats reported the same. As I always say, ''it doesn't matter who you are, any boat and captain can be the top boat of the day''. Very exciting information none the less! We are itching to get out this weekend to see for our self what is out there. You can see on this terrafin chart that blue water is either a good 18 miles SW, or you can head straight out south to the 47 mile marker and get into marlin action. Everything is picking up as expected and a good time to get to Guate for your next fishing trip. Ask us for our best deal and you will be fall out of your chair. We are that affordable!
Tight Lines,
Capt Starrs
The water is getting better and better within just days from recent scouting. The green water is easily avoidable while the cooler temps still hold off shore a good 50 miles with good clean blue water. You can find good fishing conditions just 25 to 30 miles off shore NW of the marina pez vela. More to come!
Capt Starrs
Starting this season, our clients will see what we see when we target bill fish and where we are going that day. Part of planning such a trip is knowing what you are getting into and knowing the crew is knowledgeable. With such satellite systems as Terrafin we can get a beat on the water temp, and color content. Two of the most important factors when catching any pelagic fish. While many charters will simply head out 180 degrees from Guatemala's port and assume they will do okay, we like more reassurance for our charters. These images were taking on Sept 9th for water temp and Sept 11 for water chlorophyll, and these reports indicate that the water is great in certain areas, while being semi green in other areas (in regards to Bill Fish). You can understand where you might drive right past some quality water and not know it. If you fancy Marlin and Sails, then we have the boat for you. New this Oct 2010, we are importing ''reel dirty'' . This boat can cruise at 45 MPH while being pushed by twin 4 strokes (low fuel consumption). Such boats can give you less driving time for more fishing time, and cost a fraction of what big yachts charge. Contact us while the hot bite days are still available. See our online calendar which also has moon phases to plan your trip.
Tight Lines,
Capt Starrs